Prof. PhDr., ThDr. Stanislav Stolárik, PhD. (1955)

Po spoločenských zmenách na Slovensku získal na RKCMBF UK v Bratislave doktorát z teológie (ThDr., 1993); na filozofickej fakulte Pápežskej teologickej akadémie (PAT) v Krakove doktorát z filozofie (PhDr., 1998);  na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave vedecko-akademickú hodnosť „PhD.“ (1998); v r. 1999 sa habilitoval (doc.) v odbore Dejiny filozofie na Filozofickej fakulte Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, kde sa v r. 2005 aj inauguroval. Za vysokoškolského profesora (prof.) bol menovaný prezidentom SR 10. apríla 2006 v odbore „dejiny filozofie“. Pôsobil ako prodekan RKCMBF UK v Bratislave (2001-2003); v r. 2003-2007 bol členom Pracovnej skupiny Akreditačnej komisie pre humanitné vedy; podpredsedom Akademického senátu Teologickej fakulty Katolíckej univerzity. Bol a je členom viacerých vedeckých, redakčných ako aj odborových rád vysokých škôl (univerzít) a časopisov na Slovensku a v Poľsku. Prednáša dejiny filozofie, filozofiu náboženstva, etiku a religionistiku na Teologickej fakulte Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku so sídlom v Košiciach. V r. 2001-2013 prednášal na Gréckokatolíckej teologickej fakulte Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, v r. 2009-2010 na Lublinskej katolíckej univerzite (KUL) v Stalowej Woli (Poľsko). Je autorom viacerých teologických, filozofických a duchovných traktátov, vysokoškolských skrípt i kníh (jedna z nich preložená i do chorvátčiny, ďalšia do poľštiny) a aktívne sa zúčastnil na viacerých sympóziách doma i v zahraničí. V auguste 2005 ocenila jeho pedagogickú a bádateľskú činnosť svojím certifikátom Association of International Educators (Holandsko). V r. 2008 získal cenu mesta Humenné. V r. 2008 mu udelil Krasnodarski Gosudarstvienny Universitet kultury i iskustev v Krasnodare v Rusku čestný doktorát (Dr.h.c). V r. 2014 mu bolo udelené čestné občianstvo mesta Stropkov, v r. 2015 cena primátorky mesta Prešov. Dňa 8. februára 2003 mu Svätý Otec Ján Pavol II. udelil čestný titul Mons. a 26. februára 2004 ho vymenoval za pomocného biskupa Košickej arcidiecézy a titulárneho biskupa barikského (Barica). Vysvätený za biskupa bol 20. marca 2004 v košickej Katedrále sv. Alžbety. Po celú dobu bol  generálnym vikárom. V rámci Konferencie biskupov Slovenska (KBS) je predsedom Liturgickej komisie KBS (od r. 2004); bol a je členom Stálej rady KBS (2009-2012; od r. 2015). Dňa 21. marca 2015 ho pápež František vymenoval za rožňavského diecézneho biskupa. Kánonicky prevzal biskupstvo 16. mája 2015, na sviatok sv. Jána Nepomuckého, patróna Rožňavskej diecézy.

After the changes in the society in Slovakia he had completed his postgraduate study in theology at the RKCMBF UK in Bratislava (ThDr., 1993);  at the Faculty of Arts of the PAT (Pontifical Academy of Sciences) in Krakow he has completed his doctoral study of arts (PhDr., 1998); at the Comenius University in Bratislava he got his Ph.D. (1998); in 1999 he completed his habilitation in the area of History of Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts of Prešov University in Prešov and was awarded the title of Docent and also inaugurated. He was appointed Professor by the President of the Slovak Republic on the 10th of April, 2006 in the field of History of Philosophy. He had been a Vice-Dean of RKCMBF UK in Bratislava (2001-2003); in 2003-2007 he had been a member of the Working Group of the Accreditation Committee for Arts; he had been a Vice-President of the Academic Committee of Theological Faculty of the Catholic University. He has been a member of several scientific, editorial as well as departmental committees of universities and scientific journals in Slovakia and Poland. He is teaching history of philosophy, philosophy of religion, ethics and religionists at the Theological Faculty of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, residing in Košice. In the years 2001-2013, he had been teaching at the Greek Catholic Theological Faculty of the Prešov University in Prešov, in 2009-2010 at the Catholic University in Lublin (KUL) in Stalowa Wola (Poland). He is an author of numerous theological, philosophical and spiritual education tractates, university textbooks as well as books (one of them was translated into Croatian, another one into Polish) and he had actively participated on several symposia at home and abroad. In August 2005 his pedagogical and scientific work was awarded by a certificate of the Association of International Educators (the Netherlands). In 2008 he awarded a Prize of the Town Humenné. In 2008 the Krasnodarsky Gosudarstvienny Universitet kultury I iskustev in Krasnodar, Russia, has awarded him the Honorary Doctorate (Dr.h.c.). In 2014 he was awarded the Honorary Citizenship of the Town Stropkov, in 2015 the Prize of the Mayoress of the town Prešov. On the 8th of February Pope John Paul II. has awarded him the honorary title of Mons. and on the 26th of February, 2004 he was appointed the auxiliary bishop of the Košice archdiocese and the titular bishop of Barcia. He has ordained a bishop on the 20th of March, 2004 in the St. Agnes Cathedral in Košice. During the whole time, he has been working as a general vicar. Within the framework of the Episcopal Conference of Slovakia, he is a President of the Liturgical Commission of KBS (since 2004); he has been a member of the Permanent Council of KBS (2009-2012; since 2015). On the 21st of March, 2015 Pope Francis has appointed him the diocese bishop of Rožňava. Canonically he has been in charge of the bishopric since the 16th of May, 2015, the feast day of St. John of Nepomuk, the Patron Saint of the Rožňava diocese.
